Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Girl Scout Cookies

We just got Girl Scout Cookies in at work! I am sooooooooooo happy! There is nothing better to me right now then a Samoa.

I now need to loose the box or my son will be grown on caramel and coconut!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Oscars 2008

I used to say I payed more attention to the Oscar race than any election race that was going on.
This year was different. I found myself caring more for the electoral race than anything that went on with the Oscars. Maybe it's because people who were up for best actor/actress were so predictable. Or because when the strike happened you realized how life really does go on with out parties and award shows.
And the big difference is that this year I really care sooo much who wins the democratic nomination. Really I will be happy if either Hillary or Obama wins, but this year getting a Democrat in office is of utmost importance to me! Who won best picture at the Oscars pales in comparison.
Now mind you I sat on the couch and watched the whole show, and I can't say the same for any debate that happens. But the outcomes of each event matter differently to me.

And with the Internet you can get updates so fast, that it's kinda only worth it to go on the gossip sites to see who's outfits sucked.

*my disclaimer is that I would never turn down an opportunity to attend the Oscars, and would accept any award they wanted to give me, as well as be totally supportive of any project I worked on that got a nomination. And being in the arts world I totally understand all the hard work and energy that goes along with making a great movie / show happen!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Stray Dog

I am assistant directing a play at Stray Dog Theatre company called "Night Mother" it's my first production since moving to St. Louis. I am very excited about becoming involved in this company. They do great work and have a very similar style to me!

Everyone should go see this play , the two actresses in it are fantastic and for all thoes of you who crave drama you will get it in this play!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It's a BOY!

We went to the sonogram and found out that we are having a boy!

His growth looked good, and they think that he will be ready to come out July 1st, 2008! Very exciting!

Monday, February 4, 2008


is the day we find out the sex of the baby! I will let you all know!

In the meantime if you want better reading my husband is opening a wine bar and you can read all about the progress!