I started stressing out because I didn't think that I was ready to hear if there was a problem. I read way way too many websites and blogs about pregnancy and they really do a good job of being negative and realistic. Mostly I tend to skim over the good parts and read the negative parts in detail.
We arrive at the Dr's office and there is no wait, we go right in and I go right in and get weighed. . . and the number will just continue to rise.
We go to the room and the Dr comes in and brings us right to her office so we can say hi before the ultra sound.
This was my first meeting with the woman who is delivering my baby, so I was looking at her in a way that I never have looked at a woman before. All that I was thinking was what will she be like when I am fat, and freaking out at the hospital? Will she be the type of person to ignore my feelings or play into them? Will she try and calm me, or send someone else into deal with it? Will she be rough? Will she let me have drugs early, and will she give me painkillers after if I need? Can I depend on her to deliver my baby safely?
I have decided that she is the right mixture of professional, and realistic. She is a woman who's given birth three times before, so she knows what she's talking about. And I really trusted her, so much that I wanted to give her a hug. The only negative is that I know she is the type of woman who will give me a hard time about weight gain, considering she said 2 times that second piece of cake is not for the baby.
Below is the picture of the small fetus that is about 7 weeks old, it is one baby and they say that he or she will be out around July 1st.

I am trying to remind myself to stay positive and that really there is nothing that I can do to change fate. The more I read about pregnancy the more I begin to feel that my job is to be a great host. The sex and the genes are already chosen and the only things that I can do to harm the growing fetus is to take drugs, drink and do major body beating harm. So my goal is to relax and treat myself right and try not to stress over something that is not there. I did read that women tend to think the worst sometimes because that's our way of hardening ourselves so that if something bad does happen, we can still function. Who knows, I could just be masochistc and need drama. Other than my drama queen notions, I will try to be happy relax and enjoy!
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