Monday, December 10, 2007

A Lime

So far the baby that is growing in me has been so small that it did not really make sense it me. I can't feel it and I was not showing at all. When I layed down at night, I could not tell anything was different inside me.
I am now week 11 and almost through my first trimester. It just hit me last night that I have a baby growing inside me. I feel a bit of a bump, my pants are a bit tighter, and when I lay on my back at night I feel pressure on my bladder like nothing else.
This is because it is now the size of a LIME!!!

And also partly because I am beginning to feel a whole lot better. I am still soo tired that I am going to bed at 9:30pm but I am not as nauseous and am starting to really get hungry. This is what the baby looks like at week 11.

It's not my baby but on the website they show week by week development in real life pictures.

As I progress and the embryo that is now officially a fetus grows bigger and bigger I am hoping that the reality of what's happening makes sense to me.
I just feel so out of my body and have scrambled egg head and am soo tired that I can't do things the way I used to.

Anyway I have a new job and that's making everything easier as well.

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