Of course since I love something untill I find a problem, I was waiting for what that problem would be. Since this place is cheaper than most things in NY the rent for once was not going to be the problem. I had also over looked the fact that the balcony was falling off, and that we were on the 2nd floor.
The 1st problem came about 1 month into our stay. The power went out just on our block due to some outage down the street. I went into the Kitchen with the Mag lite (I swiped it from a function at the Ritz in Clayton I invited myself to) and saw my worst fear.

Crawling on the sliding door was the largest roach I had ever seen. This was somthing to rivel the largest ones I had ever seen in NY. Please keep in mind that the power was out. Because of this I went a bit crazy and thought I saw something on every wall and indeed saw antoher one on a wall on the other side of the kitchen. I insisted we leave immediatly and go sleep anywhere but there. My husband called his parents and we went there for the evening.
This started what is becoming a large issue. For some reason maybe it's the season but everywhere I look in the evening outside there are roaches . Allyways, sidewalks, curbs etc. WHY?
I thought that leaving NY that problem would be left on the east coast.
I have become obsessed and kind of a night time shut-in. The apartment that we chose to live in happens to be on the 2nd floor and below us is a woman and her son.
The woman who lives below us cooks meat every night and has what became problem number 2. She has two fat, loud, untrained and unwalked dachshunds.

No joke, barking and running and barking dogs. When we moved in they were kept under control so that we did not hear them. We soon found out that they barked all the time, at any sound or lack of sound. They also never get walked and poop all over the yard, even on the driveway. They poop on the driveway and stand there while you pull your car in almost daring you to hit them. (Please keep in mind I am an animal lover, just not a lover of dachshunds)
Roaches and poop have turned out nice large apartment into a place that we may not want to stay out our year in.
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