We also wanted a place where we knew people, and had family. A place that has good restaurants and fun places to go out. Good outdoors activities, 4 seasons and a place where we could not do everything there is to do over just one weekend.
I think we went to long way but once we decided to come to St. Louis everything that we had wanted has fallen into place so far.
I grew up in Boston and after college moved to NYC, and my husband grew up in St. Louis and after high school moved to NYC. In 2006 after our wedding and deciding after 4 years for me and 9 years from my husband we would leave NYC.
We moved to North Carolina.
My friends now joke with me that I should be on the anti tourism board for the State but it was just not the right place for us. We decided to go there because I had some family there and there was a chance to buy a house at cost from that family. I now think that we did not really do our research and when choosing Carrboro as our landing ground I don't think that it was big enough to say the least.
I had all these high expectations of the southern hospitality and the cheap living and the cute farmers markets and the friends we would make. None of which happened. We moved to a dangerous part of town, and our neighbors rather than greeting us would watch what we bought at the store to eat and send their kids over to spy. There were deer everywhere so much so that I was not able to drive at night. And everything was just so far apart that we did not even make it into downtown Raleigh.
I could go on but I am stopping now before I get myself into trouble. Basically while we got fat from all the food and drinking to dull the pain, we realized what we actually wanted in a place to live.
So we sat down and picked between my hometown and my husbands home town. His won.
Our decision to move to St. Louis was compounded by the fact that all my husbands family lives here, he's got friends from high school here and it's a place that's still cheap to live while being a city.
We packed up the uhall truck and made the trek here and on February 15th 2007 we landed in St. Louis.
The blog will talk about what living here is like for a person who did not grow up here. Hopefully as I learn my way around and discover things our choice to live here and start a life will continue to be the correct one.
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